dinsdag 26 augustus 2008

The ideal information worker desk


I think most of us will be information workers or at least very much interested in the technology enabling an information worker to work. I was doing a bit of brainstorming yesterday imagining how my ideal desk would look like to make me most productive while it would still pass the wife test (if it does not fit in the interior forget it, or if your lucky you can have it in your own room only)

So mine would be made of a flexible glass like material. the desk would be touch enabled so no use for a keyboard anymore (or a mouse). Just habve the on screen (on desk) keyboard to use. Also it should include an area to scan documents anf the ugly printer (yep, still use it sometimes) should be an integrated part (most likely in one of the 2 stands)

The screen schould be bendable at least on 1 area so I can either use it as 1 table (easy when having a meeting) or it should be pulled up on 1 side to have a convinient screen to read from

For commercial reasons it obvious should remember me (and other people using it when I'm not there) and adjust the height. For personal use this doesn't matter to me.

What does matters to me is wireless USB and VGA (ok it will be a bit higher resolution but ok) or ultrawide band. Still use a laptop and like it if I could just either put it on the desk or put it somewhere underneath without all the cables (probably except for power)

I'll try to make a sketch later but I'm wondering:
  1. What is your ideal desk?
  2. Can you help me in some way to make it happen (build software, have great skills in manufacturing this kind of furniture)

Looking forward to your input and see if we can make this come true

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