donderdag 9 april 2009

GM goes down the drain while new promising car companies are rising

Ok, I've been looking at cars lately (since our baby was born we discovered the old car was way too small). And When looking at cars (we bought one already but still looking at what the future will bring) I noticed that the coolest cars come from new, innovative and relative small companies (in case of Tesla funded with dot com money). And at the same time the old dinosaures are going down (GM for example). I think the reason for going down is not being innovative and not listening to the world.

I searched a bit for electric or hybrid cars and what I found was horrible. No electric or hybrid car from one of the dinosaures is a true innovation compared to the cards designed by Tesla or Fisker (and others)

Why are the traditional car manufacturers not able to make the next step (some use a currect model and make it a hybrid like MB or lexus for example) and some create a new one (the prius or totally electric the Voltz) but still they have not been able to use the possibilities from an electric car and create a new car. I think Tesla and Fisker have demonstrated that a green car doesn't have to be ugly. As a matter of fact it can be green, good looking and sportive while at the same time being a nice familiy car (Tesla model S) with plenty space (2 trunks instead of 1 and an engine room)

At the same time I see some nice initiatives for public recharge stations and when on the move and a recharge takes a bit too much time you can simple swap the battery pack in 5 minutes. And in case of a big disaster we do have some spare enery in all car battery packs:)

When looking at this from a employability perspective companies will need to provide these stations in a few years from now and since governments are giving big tax savings on these electric cars it will be worth for employees to drive one (and companies, what about green image, cost savings etc)

So the next big thing in employee benefits is not a big bonus but free electicity to recharge your car

a nice link to more e-cars

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