maandag 15 juni 2009

Picture frame +++++++

Depending on the price and amount of available applications this could potentially be a great device. I already find myself in a situation that I don't do things (like look up some info because the laptop is on my desk on the 1st floor while I'm on the ground floor). So if this has some nice applications (besides all that come with the device) like:
  • Recipes for in the kitchen
  • server application so you can use the webcams as security devices
  • Remote screen/desktop so I can manage my mediacenter form this (and not having to turn on the big screen to find some music)

But judge for yourself


If having an English-language site means that the Korean manufacturer Mintpass will be selling some of its products to the U.S., Enlgand, Canada, Australia, etc. then by all means we must expect the U.S., Europe launch of the Mintpad soon. The Mintpass Mintpad is a would-be revolutionary 3-inch touchscreen PMP that serves as a note-taking and multimedia device. Though the 400MHz processor/ 128MB of RAM is good enough for the old iPhone, the 4GB storage may be a little lacking. Suggested price in Korean is just under $160 but it should be cheaper once it gets to foreign shores. Click the links below to know more.

[mintpass via dapreview]

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